The SmartDyeLivery team combines competences from a vast range of fields, such as medicine, chemistry, biology, material sciences and management.
The technological lead is secured by extensive research and development activities within the company as well as in a far-reaching network.
Management and Founders

Dr. Marc Lehmann
Dr Marc Lehmann is CEO and shareholder of SmartDyeLivery and has already been involved in the successful establishment of two technology companies. He has many years of experience in both corporate development and financing as well as in the development of infectious diagnostics and therapeutic procedures, especially in the field of sepsis. He has a track record in CE and GMP compliant product development and manufacturing of diagnostics and therapeutic procedures. In the context of product development, he was significantly involved in the planning and implementation of preclinical and clinical studies. Dr Lehmann is an inventor in a number of patents, has successfully raised tens of millions of euros in venture capital and funding, and has won several innovation awards with his multinational and interdisciplinary teams.

Prof. Dr. Michael Bauer
Prof Dr Michael Bauer is Director of the Clinic for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Therapy at Jena University Hospital, spokesperson for the "Centre for Sepsis and Infection Research (CSCC)" at the Medical Faculty of Friedrich Schiller University Jena and deputy spokesperson for the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 1278 PolyTarget "Polymer-based nanoparticle libraries for the development of targeted anti-inflammatory strategies".
His research group works on the translational development of adjuvant therapy options in septic organ failure.
- 255 publications; 32 reviews/book contributions
- Citations: 15,300 (Web of Science), 25,560 (Google Scholar)
- h-lndex: 53 (Web of Science), 67 (Google Scholar)

Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert
Prof Dr Ulrich S. Schubert is Chair of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Director of the "Jena Center for Soft Matter" (JCSM) and one of the world's leading material scientists and chemists.
- 1,100 publications
- Citations: 55,000 (Web of Science); 71,300 (Google Scholar)
- h-lndex: 107 (Web of Sciences); 121 (Google Scholar)
- On the list of "Highly Cited Researchers"
- Speaker of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 1278 "PolyTarget"
- External scientific member of the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam
- Thuringian Research Award for Applied Research
- Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, USA
- Member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
- Federal Cross of Merit 2018
- University Teacher of the Year 2019, German University Association / ZEIT

Dr. Anja Träger
Dr Anja Träger is head of an independently funded junior research group (NanoMatFutur, BMBF) at the chair of Prof Dr Ulrich S. Schubert and a member of the Jena Center for Soft Matter (JCSM).
Her main interest lies in the characterisation and biological application of polymers and their formulations. Due to her studies in biochemistry, her PhD in biotechnology, where she worked on the gene delivery of cationic polymers, and her close cooperation with medical doctors, she has gained a broad knowledge in the field of applications of synthetic polymers.
- Publications (peer-reviewed): 44
- Citations: 947 (Researcher ID), 1114 (Google)
- h-lndex: 17 (Researcher ID), 20 (Google)
- Patent applications: 6

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Wetzker
Prof Dr Reinhard Wetzker is former head of the Institute for Molecular Cell Biology at the University Hospital Jena. His scientific interest was and is in understanding signal transduction processes in cells and organisms. The focus is on studies of the function of the signalling protein phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma in adaptive stress reactions of biological systems.